Thursday, April 05, 2012

If the Passover Story Were Reported by CNN or the New York Times

Passover (1998) Dry Bones Blog
There's an old joke about the two official Russian Communist "news"papers Pravda ("Truth") and Izvestia ("News"):
"V Pravdye nye izvestia, v Izvestia nye Pravda—There's no news in The Truth and no truth in The News!"

Our own newspapers enjoy their own "freedom of the press." Is there truth in their news?

What would happen....

If the Passover Story Were Reported by CNN or the New York Times
Daniel P. Waxman

The cycle of violence between the Jews and the Egyptians continues with no end in sight in Egypt . After eight previous plagues have destroyed the Egyptian infrastructure and disrupted the lives of ordinary Egyptian citizens, the Jews launched a new offensive this week in the form of the plague of darkness. (Read more....)

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